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Gabriella Otty


Martine is adorable and I love taking classes with her. They make my day and they turn around my day if the start was a little wobbly. She is the warm, caring, and extremely competent teacher any person walking into a fitness class should be entitled to find. The first time I joined Martine’s Barre class I hadn’t done any exercise for months and was in the middle of a highly stressful and sad time having just met some very tight work deadlines and trying to cope with two close losses in our family. Martine’s class, with its fantastic mixture of challenge and fun, became a physical and emotional oasis for me. Martine’s sunny personality is a balm and she always manages to create a lovely and intimate atmosphere in the group. I also appreciate the care and clarity with which she explains every new posture, which is vital in a form of exercise built around subtle but extremely challenging movements. In the hands of a less competent and committed teacher the risk of injury would be very high, but Martine, who favours small and intimate groups, never lets any of her students out of her sight and will make any adjustments needed with humour and sensitivity. To see Martine teach is a joy in itself which adds to the enjoyment of her classes. She’s passionate and enthusiastic. She challenges her students while always encouraging them to listen to their bodies and never taking unnecessary risks. Her classes are about learning and developing a healthy and fulfilling practice not about scoring or proving points. I love Martine’s classes and I love her company. I’ve recently been on a Barre and Yoga retreat with her and enjoyed every minute of the warm, safe and giggly atmosphere she created for all of us.




Alessia Bernasconi


Martine's classes are deeply transformational not only from a physical point of view. She accompanies each of her students to unleash their best potential with bespoke attention, generous empathy and irresistible energy.There has been a before and an after Martine in my workout and I am inmensely grateful to have met such an inspirational woman and a wonderful teacher on and off the barre. Thank you so much Martine for the self awareness, fun and love you spread all around you! 

Tamara Cohen


Martine is an incredibly motivating and energising teacher. She pushes students to challenge themselves and reach their highest goals. She is a loving and kind leader, also very grounded and organised in her approach. She has been a gift in the lives of many of her students and certainly in mine. 

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